Account Tags Available in Cost and Compliance Data
Stax account tags are now applied to cost and compliance data in Stax. This enriched data allows you to organize, view, and group your resources using account tags to better meet your business needs.
As a result of Stax's improvement to propagate account tags to AWS accounts, these tags are now available in Stax's cost and compliance data. This means they can be used with Views on the Dashboard, Cost, Data and Rules pages of Stax. Within 24 hours of adding or modifying an account tag, the tag will be applied to all of that account's resources represented in Stax's cost and compliance data. Tags added via Stax take the format of stax:user:
If you're subscribed only to the Stax Cost & Compliance module, you can make use of this feature by tagging AWS account resources directly. Tags will propagate to all resources in cost and compliance data in the same
While changes made to account tags directly within AWS will be represented in cost and compliance data, it is recommended that changes are made to Stax-managed account tags from within Stax using the console, API, or SDK.